Ayurveda focuses on rejuvenation, prevention and purification for maintaining health and longevity.
We do this by:
Improving nutrition through formulas which enhance nourishment to all seven tissues of the body.
Improving digestion and metabolism (agni) at all three levels of physiological functioning: gastrointestinal tract, intermediate metabolism, and cellular metabolism.
Improving circulation in the sixteen strotas and / or the fourteen meridians by stimulating, strengthening and cleansing them.
Ayurveda is a unique tradition of India that has been with us for thousands of years. Ayurvedic treatments have a long legacy of promoting physical health, emotional well-being, and soul connection. These practices bring forth the use of various preparations of herbs, spices, oils and other natural components that come together to assist an individual to overcome various health anomalies and guide towards absolute health and well-being through an intricate system of healing.